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The Welfare Team is:

  • John Emery (Health and Safety and Welfare Lead)

The team are supported in their role by our school nurse.

If there is anything we can do for parents to help, or give advice, please come and see us. If we are not available to talk to you when you come in, then please ring or speak to the office staff about making an appointment. 

All members of staff can administer basic treatment to our children. We do have a number of First Aiders in our school who are trained to administer First Aid in addition to our welfare team.

We can administer children’s medications in school if requested, however there is a procedure of completing a request for medication form beforehand. We follow our school’s guidelines for administering medication, which is available below.

If your child has a medical need, we will ask that you come in and see one of the Welfare Team to complete a care plan to support your child in school, A member of our welfare team also needs to see parents if a child is returning to school from an operation or has an injury e.g. a fracture. 

We regularly work with other NHS professionals. The children have medical checks e.g. hearing tests and dentist visits during their time in school, which is organised by the NHS. Parents receive a letter before these checks take place.

If your child has sickness or diarrhoea they must be absent from school for 24 hours after being unwell.

If your child has head lice, we can give you advice on how this can be treated.

If you are unsure on how long your child can be off school with an illness, please contact a member of our welfare team who can advise you.

There are some useful links to websites below that may be of interest.

Headlice advice:

NHS advice line: