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Archived News

January 2020

  • The Woodlands Shop

    Published 27/01/20

    Monday 27th January we will be launching the Fern House Woodlands Shop.

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  • Boccia Champions!

    Published 21/01/20

    Fern House take home first prize in the annual Boccia tournament

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  • Breakfast Club

    Published 15/01/20

    Breakfast club is open to all children and offers them the opportunity to read newspapers, magazines, listen to music, play games or just relax and prepare themselves for learning. Breakfast takes place every morning from 8:45 - 9:10 offering an abundance of healthy and filling options to eat.

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  • Happy New Year

    Published 03/01/20

    We would like to wish all pupils and their families a very Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 7th January for the start of the Spring Term. 

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January 2020